How do I upload images (and why some options are greyed out).
Go to and choose one of your profiles. Find the section pictures.
By pressing the “+” icon, a modal shows up where you can choose the picture you want to upload. It’s recommended that your
files doesn’t exceed the 2MB limit for smoother experience.
• PROFile: It’s your profile’s picture.
• Background: You can appoint a background image for you profile that is been applied behind your data and content. Background
picture is used in the Custom and Leader theme.
• Logo: Upload your company’s logo. Logo is used in the List, Influencer and Manager theme.
• Background Video: Attach a vertical video from popular platforms like YouTube, Vimeo etc to be displayed behind your
content and data. Background Video is used only in Influencer theme.
After successfully uploading your pictures, click update to save your changes
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